Sponsoring Project PhD kandidaat TU Delft

De Gidts & Feldman heeft, samen met Christian Bauer, schotelveren beschikbaar gesteld voor het onderzoek naar beweegbare bruggen van Kodo Sektani. PhD kandidaat van de Technische Universiteit in Delft. Zie hieronder zijn bijdrage op Linkedin:

“My promotor prof. Andrei Metrikine baptized the model of a movable bridge in the Stevinlab of Delft University of Technology in the presence of all our sponsors. The model is designed and built as part of my PhD research on the dynamics of movable bridges.

I would like to say a ‘Big Thank You’ to everyone who shared my passion and supported me with this amazing test rig to predict the dynamic loads in the powertrain of bridge machineries during various load situations.

On behalf of Antea Group Nederland, I’d like to thank all of our sponsors, who made this research and more specifically this model of a movable bridge possible:
Rijkswaterstaat, Provincie Zuid-Holland, ProRail, Gemeente Amsterdam, Gemeente Rotterdam, Hollandia Infra, Hollandia Services, SEW Eurodrive, Flender B.V., SKF Group, Kobout BV and De Gidts & Feldman.

I also would like to give special thanks to my colleagues Sonja Riesen and Irma Kooistra for organizing such a successful opening ceremony.”

We wensen Kodo Sektani veel succes met de vervolgfase van zijn onderzoek!

Project Beweegbare Brug

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Kees Bakker

Director, Sales & Marketing +31(0)6 513 117 68 k.bakker@dgfg.nl Follow on LinkedIn Kees Bakker